All American Athletes: A league that we have started in Rock Hill area to allow kids with special needs to particiapte in sports activities. Currently we have baseball, kickball, and gymnastics!
Monkey Joe's: Every first Thursday of the month for the last hour at Monkey Joe's kids with special needs get in free.
Camp Arc: This is a week-long day camp predominantly for children and adults with special needs. Sessions run throughout the summer. This is a mainstreamed camp where children with and without disabilities will enjoy a variety of activities. Sessions include: Children's Camp, Teen's Camp, Children with Multiple Handicaps, Sports Camp and Adult Camp. Registration is first-come, first-served. A special event and a t-shirt are included in the cost. Call Wendy Waddle at 803.329.5969 or Scott Wentsky at 803.326.2429 for session dates and to register.
Daily times 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Boyd Hill Recreation Center
Cost: $10 per weekly session
Bowling: Summer league bowling, you can sign up for 6 weeks of bowling once a week which includes hot dog, drink , 2 games, and lots of great social interactions for your kids!!!
Kids' Rein is a non-profit organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding for children with disabilities, located in Charlotte, NC. See their website for more information.
BabyNet is South Carolina's interagency system for intervention services for families who have infants & toddlers (birth to 3) with developmental delays or conditions associated with developmental delays.
Family Connection of South Carolina is a support network for families who have children with special needs. A regional office is located in Rock Hill, SC. For more information, visit their website or call Hollye Reid, the area coordinator, at 803-366-4839.